vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de u.s. president john f. kennedy is assassinated as he rides in a motorcade with his wife in dallas, texas. - john f kennedy00:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ms zi zo jfk john fitzgerald kennedy sitting at desk and speaking / washington d.c., united states - john f kennedy01:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 'we choose to go to the moon' . the speech was one of kennedy's earlier speeches meant to persuade the american people to endorse the apollo... - john f kennedy00:28
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de gunshots wound u.s. president john f. kennedy as he rides in a motorcade with his wife jacqueline kennedy in dallas, texas, on november 22, 1963. - john f kennedy01:08
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ms jfk john fitzgerald kennedy sitting at desk and speaking, presidential seal in background / washington d.c., united states - john f kennedy01:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de a montage of u.s. president john f. kennedy features a presidential motorcade and public appearances with his wife jacqueline kennedy in a tribute to the u.s. president following his assassination. - john f kennedy00:19
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de tracking shot of kennedy's car and motorcade as he looks right at the camera and waves as part of a stop in china lake, ca in june of 1963. this is... - john f kennedy00:40
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ms shot crowds and vehicles at street - john f kennedy00:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john + jacqueline kennedy riding in convertible in motorcade / dallas / newsreel - john f kennedy00:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de january 20, 1961 president kennedy makes "ask not what your country can do for you..." inaugural speech - john f kennedy00:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy giving his moon speech at rice university stadium - john f kennedy01:00
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de presidential candidates senator john f. kennedy and senator richard nixon shake hands before a televised debate. - john f kennedy00:02
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president john kennedy at podium making "...ich bin ein berliner" / berlin / newsreel - john f kennedy00:23
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de close up over-the-shoulder newspaper headlines "president dead. shot by assassin" / kennedy's assassination - john f kennedy00:01
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / people in dallas waiting for jfk to pass by / jfk and jackie kennedy in convertible, talking to governor john connally moments before jfk's... - john f kennedy00:34
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president john f. kennedy speaking at rice university / houston, texas, united states - john f kennedy00:38
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de accompanied by mayor william brandt and chancellor konrad adenauer - john f kennedy00:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president kennedy and vice president johnson leaving nato atlantic command center / virginia - john f kennedy00:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de spectators in dallas and across the nation react to the assassination of president john f. kennedy. - john f kennedy00:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de home movie of school children presenting the tragic news of president john f. kennedy's assassination as printed in the local chicago newspapers. - john f kennedy00:13
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de jacqueline kennedy onassis and john f. kennedy on a small sailboat / cape cod, massachusetts, united states - john f kennedy00:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy being sworn in before huge crowd, applause and cheering, him turning and facing microphone to give speech / washington, district of... - john f kennedy01:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 35th u.s. president john f. kennedy stands at a rostrum as he conducts a press conference. - john f kennedy00:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de families watch the televised debate between senator john f. kennedy and senator richard nixon in 1960. - john f kennedy00:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de front view of president john f kennedy's coffin being carried from the capitol building / pallbearers walk slowly down the steps / place coffin on... - john f kennedy01:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de candidates introduced by howard k. smith. - john f kennedy00:59
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de newport, ri / sen kennedy takes bride at newport / in fashionable newport, ri, us senator f kennedy marries socialite jacqueline lee bouvier in one... - john f kennedy01:08
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de united states of america candidates for the presidency richard nixon and john f. kennedy televised debate during the election process. kennedy... - john f kennedy02:55
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president john f kennedy's body lies in state / jackie kennedy and children, caroline and john jr, attorney general robert f kennedy and members of... - john f kennedy01:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ms jfk john fitzgerald kennedy and group on speaker's stand / washington d.c., united states - john f kennedy00:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de audience listening and john f. kennedy speaking at rice university / houston, texas, united states - john f kennedy02:35
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de newsreel report on the assassination of john f. kennedy composed in this first part of library footage of the president and his family. including:... - john f kennedy01:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john + jacqueline kennedy walking on pier greeting people / hyannis port - john f kennedy00:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de speech about cuba to the american society of newspaper editors / 'any unilateral american intervention, in the absence of an external attack upon... - john f kennedy02:34
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de home movie of jfk's visit to nato shape headquarters during his 1961 european tour. crowd of onlookers and military officials at shape await in the... - john f kennedy01:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president kennedy making speech at rice university about space program / texas - john f kennedy00:28
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de and jfk standing together / rfk sitting at table with jfk, reviewing election results / jfk covered in confetti surrounded by smiling women - john f kennedy00:36
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / president john f kennedy giving a speech after the continued segregation of african american students from the university of alabama / he... - john f kennedy00:59
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / jackie kennedy walking down steps escorted by robert and edward kennedy / mrs kennedy precedes her husband's coffin as it leaves the capitol... - john f kennedy01:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy sitting and smiling / united states - john f kennedy00:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de kennedy family standing outdoors at jfk's funeral / tilt down john jr. salutes / newsreel - john f kennedy00:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de primer plano macro móvil slider shot of american currency coins stock video - ¢1 - ¢5 - ¢10 - ¢25 - ¢50 - $1 coins close- up paning stock video - including heads and toss side - back and front side video - john f kennedy00:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de senator kennedy gives presidential campaign speech in norristown pa - john f kennedy00:58
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president john f. kennedy enjoys moments in both his public and private life. - john f kennedy00:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy and lyndon johnson arriving for the final day of the 1960 democratic national convention at the los angeles coliseum / jfk would give... - john f kennedy00:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / john f kennedy descends the steps of the capitol building to applause from the waiting crowd while accompanied by senator carl hayden / vice... - john f kennedy01:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de kennedy/bouvier wedding party posing outdoors / newport, ri / newsreel - john f kennedy00:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president kennedy speaks to the nation to inform americans of recently discovered soviet military buildup in cuba, including the ongoing installation... - john f kennedy01:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de of news reporter as john f. kennedy campaigns for his presidency at the sioux city, iowa stockyards in 1959. jfk shakes hands with supporters and... - john f kennedy00:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de october 1962 john f. kennedy sitting at desk in oval office / washington, d.c., united states - john f kennedy00:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de jacqueline kennedy onassis taking a photograph of john f. kennedy / cape cod, massachusetts, united states - john f kennedy00:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de jacqueline kennedy and her husband, john f kennedy, smile and wave to supporters while on a campaign stop in new york, new york on october 1, 1960 /... - john f kennedy00:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de preview content for research purposes only. note: not all content may be available for licensing. this content must be licensed via the offline... - john f kennedy01:04:51
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de republican national convention: triptych of eisenhower, nixon & abraham lincoln hanging from rafters; "we want nixon" sign; man announcing nomination... - john f kennedy02:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de u.s. president john f. kennedy and his wife jacqueline smile as they disembark from air force one in dallas, texas, an hour before his assassination. - john f kennedy00:19
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de speech includes "ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country." - john f kennedy02:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de shot from behind of john f. kennedy getting onto an airplane and shaking hands with supporters after campaigning in the sioux city, iowa stockyards... - john f kennedy00:10
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de united states presidential motorcade traveling through downtown dallas, dealey plaza, president j.f.k. & others riding in uncovered limousine,... - john f kennedy00:13
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de police car stopping + man getting out + running / kennedy assassination / dallas - john f kennedy00:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de black car pulls up in front of white house to collect jackie kennedy, her daughter caroline kennedy and her son john f kennedy jr / president... - john f kennedy01:39
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president kennedy's casket procession walks towards the capitol building / row after row of uniformed men march soberly down the streets of... - john f kennedy02:31
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy giving inaugural speech after being sworn in / washington, district of columbia, united states - john f kennedy03:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de newsreel report on the results of the 1960 us presidential election, won by john f. kennedy, including john, jacqueline and daughter caroline kennedy... - john f kennedy02:36
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de second part of senator kennedy's opening statement. - john f kennedy03:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de spectators in dallas and across the nation react to the assassination of president john f. kennedy. - john f kennedy00:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de jumpy table with elaborate coffee service and pan up to rep. john f. kennedy working his way through applauding crowd / note: exact day not known - john f kennedy00:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president john f kennedy speaks to press about the iron curtain - john f kennedy01:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy announces the decision of sending an american safely to the moon / he speaks in front of a special joint session of congress.... - john f kennedy00:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de senator john f. kennedy delivers a speech about america's involvement in the indochina war. - john f kennedy00:50
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "socialite nuptials - senator kennedy takes bride at newport" superimposed over heart background / tilt down from steps of st. mary's catholic church... - john f kennedy01:02
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de newsreel report on the assassination of john f. kennedy. kennedy arrives in dallas by plane with wife jacqueline and the pair are greeted by locals.... - john f kennedy00:52
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de presidential nominee jfk walking through a crowd and shaking hands / united states - john f kennedy00:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy walking with jacqueline kennedy onassis / cape cod, massachusetts, united states - john f kennedy00:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de john f. kennedy going into and coming out of a voting booth / boston, massachusetts, united states - john f kennedy00:13