vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de pres. dwight eisenhower stands at podium with microphones on it and speaks to camera, thanking viewers for their prayers and speaking about blessings... - dwight eisenhower01:31
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de pres. dwight eisenhower, in speech at the governors conference: " ... when the united states votes $400 million to help that war, we are not voting... - dwight eisenhower03:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de general eisenhower reviews his men / united kingdom - dwight eisenhower00:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title superimposed over pres. dwight eisenhower at his desk, "historic chronology: the president's decision" / eisenhower greets wife mamie; she... - dwight eisenhower03:01
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de dwight d. eisenhower takes oath of office / shakes hands with truman, nixon, kisses mamie - dwight eisenhower01:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de u.s. president dwight d. eisenhower visiting palm springs, california, 1964 - dwight eisenhower00:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / adlai stevenson speaks before democratic national convention / dwight eisenhower named at republican convention / huge crowd holding ike signs /... - dwight eisenhower00:33
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de large group of military with rifles and bayonets marches past / virginia military academy cadets turn corer / high angle view of marchers far below /... - dwight eisenhower00:40
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight eisenhower walks down white house steps, waits to film statement regarding retirement of british prime minister winston churchill /... - dwight eisenhower00:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "paramount news issue no 19" / title "four full years" and then "the eisenhower story" superimposed over shot of exterior of us capitol in... - dwight eisenhower01:42
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "eisenhower and nehru camera report from gettysburg" / cars driving down country road / sign "private road" / to country road / farm buildings with... - dwight eisenhower01:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de tracking shot of president dwight d. eisenhower handing off easter eggs and waving to people inside a crowd - dwight eisenhower00:25
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de dwight eisenhower, standing at podium on east portico of us capitol, takes oath of office with his right hand raised and left hand on a bible; chief... - dwight eisenhower00:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de pres. dwight eisenhower: " ... i have heard a lot of speakers get up and paint for us two brilliant crossroads - the united states is at the... - dwight eisenhower03:24
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de governors lawrence wetherby and thomas dewey / theodore mckeldin and man with boy scout and photographers behind them / governor / sot pres. dwight... - dwight eisenhower02:38
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the progressive era: reform works in america - part 39 of 40. describes the years spanning 1890-1915 and how they marked this period of american history as one of great turmoil and violence. bankrupt farmers, slums, appalling work conditions, inhuman chi - dwight eisenhower00:30
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de u.s. president dwight d. eisenhower speaks about the role of the soviet union in a coup in syria. - dwight eisenhower01:30
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de three shots of newly inaugurated pres. dwight eisenhower standing at podium on east portico of us capitol speaking, officials sitting behind him /... - dwight eisenhower02:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de april 5, 1951 montage general eisenhower sitting at desk signing order for new nato headquarters / paris, france - dwight eisenhower00:13
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "ike signs tidelands oil bill" superimposed over president eisenhower at his oval office desk signing bill / eisenhower puts pen down, takes glasses... - dwight eisenhower00:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title "panama - to strengthen historic bonds of friendship" superimposed over conference / vs aerials panama city / aerial shot from plane of its... - dwight eisenhower03:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "the summit parley…big four meet at geneva" / photos of us president dwight d eisenhower , british prime minister anthony eden , french prime... - dwight eisenhower02:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de eisenhower speaking to congress / speech continues over aerial city blocks / pedestrians crowd sidewalks and cross street, can see kiosk / birdseye... - dwight eisenhower01:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de dwight eisenhower, standing at podium on east portico of us capitol, takes oath of office with his right hand raised and left hand on a bible; chief... - dwight eisenhower00:39
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight eisenhower sits at desk, dons eyeglasses, begins to read special message to congress; sot the nation must work to maintain peace,... - dwight eisenhower01:22
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / troops marching along the harbor / tanks, artillery and planes on the ground in rows / supreme commander dwight eisenhower conferring with general... - dwight eisenhower00:59
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de pres. dwight eisenhower lists accomplishments and lauds the late senator robert taft during a "report to the nation" radio speech - dwight eisenhower02:23
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title "ike supporters open hq in washington" superimposed over close shot of dwight eisenhower campaign buttons and pamphlets sitting on table, zoom... - dwight eisenhower00:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1952 montage b/w supporters entertaining crowd before arrival of dwight eisenhower at presidential campaign rally/ 'we like ike' sign/ dwight eisenhower at podium/ tulsa, oklahoma, usa - dwight eisenhower00:45
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / view of capitol building / inside congress / president roosevelt signs social security act into law on august 14, 1935 / president harry truman... - dwight eisenhower00:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de newly inaugurated us pres. dwight eisenhower: "the faith we hold belongs not to us alone but to the free of all the world. this common bond binds the... - dwight eisenhower03:00
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de general dwight d eisenhower speaking to american officers at an airbase in north africa during north africa campaign, 1942. gen. omar bradley is to... - dwight eisenhower00:02
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de june 5 1944 general eisenhower smiling + talking to dirty paratroopers on eve of d-day / europe - dwight eisenhower00:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de exterior of white house / press surround president elect jfk and president dwight eisenhower who are seated together chatting / thomas gates,... - dwight eisenhower00:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title "the white house - president returns to his desk" superimposed over shot of exterior of white house / shot of exterior of white house / pres.... - dwight eisenhower00:32
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight d. eisenhower plays golf on golf course - dwight eisenhower00:30
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "the eisenhower family" superimposed over exterior of white house / front view pres. dwight eisenhower and family starting to walk towards camera /... - dwight eisenhower01:36
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de allies casablanca conference aka anfa conference - dwight eisenhower01:49
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1965 folks greet dwight and mamie eisenhower - dwight eisenhower00:13
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight d. eisenhower chips ball on golf course green; trots to hole, removes ball; walks with shorter man, adjusts cap / askew sign: "u s... - dwight eisenhower00:34
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de large crowds at political rally, dwight 'ike' eisenhower at podium speaking about american foreign policy, people, some w/ signs, cheering,... - dwight eisenhower01:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "general ike reviews his nato army" superimposed over general dwight eisenhower saluting and shaking hands with officer as he arrives for troop... - dwight eisenhower00:38
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de low angle dwight d. eisenhower descends stairs from airplane + waves to unseen supporters / news. - dwight eisenhower00:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title "paramount news presents - washington" superimposed over shot of exterior of us capitol / title card: "report from the president" / title... - dwight eisenhower02:13
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title "fbi chef honored, receives nat'l security medal" superimposed over hoover holding award while posing for photo opportunity / vs pres. dwight... - dwight eisenhower00:49
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de aerial shot of offshore radar towers, part of early warning system / shot of offshore towers / two shots of military personnel watching radar screens... - dwight eisenhower01:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de queen and prince philip host president eisenhower and his wife mamie for dinner at british embassy in washington dc - dwight eisenhower00:31
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "convention month - gop, democrats make headlines" / two shots news media stand as president dwight eisenhower enters room for washington, dc press... - dwight eisenhower02:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight eisenhower denies allegations that he used helicopters to go golfing. - dwight eisenhower00:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight d. eisenhower delivers state of the union address from podium in the well of the us house of representatives chamber; behind him sit... - dwight eisenhower02:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de general eisenhower sits behind desk, talks about defeat of germany in north africa to camera - dwight eisenhower00:50
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president harry truman and other officials stepping onto east portico to join crowd there, he stands briefly for photo opportunity then continues on... - dwight eisenhower02:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de newly inaugurated president dwight eisenhower speaks from podium, vice president richard nixon stands to his left, audience below in bkgd / vs... - dwight eisenhower00:54
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de curtained stage in large room, eisenhower/nixon poster on curtain, "let's clean house" and "they're for you" on either side of the poster,... - dwight eisenhower00:47
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight d. eisenhower at meal table with his brothers and other men; front row, l to r, earl eisenhower, arthur eisenhower, dwight... - dwight eisenhower00:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de republican presidential candidate dwight d. eisenhower, at podium decorated with floral emblem marked "airborne", speaks about the normandy invasion... - dwight eisenhower01:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de queen and prince philip collection 7; t29085902 29.8.59; president dwight d. eisenhower of the usa meets royal family -scotland: balmoral: eisenhower... - dwight eisenhower00:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de journalist drew pearson interview on presidential candidates; england: london airport : int drew pearson interview sof - on eisenhower's health / mr... - dwight eisenhower01:25
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "eisenhower in britain" / eisenhower standing behind desk at his london headquarters, us and british flags behind him, two photographers in front of... - dwight eisenhower01:35
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de view of the south portico of the white house as seen though trees / president dwight eisenhower and aides walk briskly from the oval office via the... - dwight eisenhower00:34
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ebbets field with first game of world series in progress between brooklyn dodgers and new york yankees / ext ebbets field with sign/ us flag and... - dwight eisenhower00:52
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president eisenhower climbs down ladder in facility / vs l-r university president milton eisenhower, the president, dean of engineering eric walker /... - dwight eisenhower00:35
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president eisenhower explains education is province of the states and the shortage of schools in the country is being addressed by the federal... - dwight eisenhower03:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de people who accept communism propaganda for truth are those most ignorant...' unidentified us officer in audience. '...of it's aims & practices.' - dwight eisenhower00:19
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "eisenhowers pose for spring photo" superimposed over white house / eisenhower family exiting the white house / ike's mother in law, elivera doud... - dwight eisenhower00:39
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de soldiers pose with captured nazi flag / general dwight d eisenhower arrives on ship, meets with british general bernard montgomery and omar bradley /... - dwight eisenhower00:57
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight eisenhower, in key west to continue recovering from a recent heart attack, speaks at informal press conference about letting the... - dwight eisenhower00:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president-elect dwight eisenhower and wife mamie stand with their grandson, dwight david 2nd, under mistletoe / mamie with arms around grandchildren... - dwight eisenhower01:57
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ngo dinh diem, dwight eisenhower + soldier walking past rows of soldiers - dwight eisenhower00:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de tilt down ngo dinh diem walking down airplane stairs + shaking hands with eisenhower - dwight eisenhower00:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de dwight eisenhower smiling in wheelchair surrounded by doctors + nurses / after heart attack - dwight eisenhower00:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / siren blares in front of white house / president dwight eisenhower and his staff evacuate the white house / large crowd walk along the side of a... - dwight eisenhower01:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "gen. eisenhower - farewell to italy's nato troops" superimposed over gen. dwight eisenhower, retiring supreme allied commander and g.o.p. candidate... - dwight eisenhower00:51
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president dwight eisenhower holds final press conference / pressmen adjust cameras in preparation of press conference / eisenhower enters the room... - dwight eisenhower00:44
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title "walter reed to gettysburg - the president's convalescence" superimposed over pres. dwight eisenhower with first lady mamie leaving hospital /... - dwight eisenhower00:41
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "the president - first close up pictures since illness" / vs ext fitzsimons army hospital / follow president dwight eisenhower being wheeled out onto... - dwight eisenhower01:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de title card that looks like newspaper headline: "general eisenhower, personality of the year" / close shot of gen. dwight eisenhower / framed photo... - dwight eisenhower00:45
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "at gettysburg -- campaign kick-off" / ext eisenhower home at farm / pan over to pres. dwight d. eisenhower riding on golf cart / eisenhower steps... - dwight eisenhower00:58
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "special release--armistice in korea" / title card: "the tide of events as the shooting ends--the big job ahead until permanent peace and stability... - dwight eisenhower01:50