vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de mass grave containing 59 bodies of free syrian army members killed by pyd/pkk terror group two years ago was discovered in syria’s afrin region. the... - afrin01:28
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkey’s military on march 23, 2018 found headquarters buildings of the terrorist group ypg/pkk during security sweeps in areas of afrin, syria... - afrin04:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish troops and ankara backed syrian rebels on sunday took control of the town of afrin in northeastern syria from kurdish forces - afrin02:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish forces and allied syrian rebels battling kurdish militia in northern syria advanced on saturday to less than two kilometres from the... - afrin02:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish army continues its military shipment to hatay province, as part of the 'operation olive branch' launched in syria's afrin, on march 09,... - afrin01:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish armed forces convoy arrives in turkey's southern border province of hatay as part of the ongoing operation olive branch in syria's afrin on... - afrin01:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de members of free syrian army , backed by turkish army, patrol in syria's azaz region as part of the 'operation olive branch' against pyd/pkk... - afrin05:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish commandos take an oath before they move towards syrian border as part of the 'operation olive branch' launched in syria's afrin on january... - afrin03:00
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de hundreds demonstrate in syria's northeastern city of qamishli in response to a call by kurdish authorities for global protests against turkey's... - afrin02:40
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de displaced from her home in syria's eastern ghouta umaima al sheikh and her family sought refuge in an abandoned house across the country in afrin - afrin04:49
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de two pkk terrorists were arrested while attempting to infiltrate syria’s northwestern town of afrin, which was liberated from the ypg/pkk terrorist... - afrin00:45
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish charity group humanitarian relief foundation continues to distribute aid to civilians in syria's northwestern afrin town, where the turkish... - afrin02:17
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de two syrians who have been injured in twin bombings that rocked syria’s northwestern city of afrin, are brought to kilis state hospital for treatment... - afrin01:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de syrian kurds in qamishli protest against turkey presence in afrin in the north of syria - afrin02:32
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at an election campaign rally at his ruling justice and development party in kahramanmaras , turkey on... - afrin05:56
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at an election campaign rally at his ruling justice and development party in sanliurfa, turkey on june... - afrin05:37
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkey's nationalist movement party leader devlet bahceli speaks at his party’s election campaign rally in the black sea province of samsun on june... - afrin06:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de abdumuin al-hasan, nine years old, fled the siege imposed by the bashar al-assad regime with his family but was severely wounded by an explosion... - afrin06:36
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de syrian kurds displaced from afrin taking shelter in qamishli and al-malikiyah in syria's northern hassakah province dream of returning home - afrin04:08
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish justice minister abdulhamit gul said on monday syrian refugees in turkey want to return home country as the turkish army provided security... - afrin04:24
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de terror group ypg/pkk has been looting and vandalizing the homes and lands of civilians in the syrian city of tal rifaat.according to information... - afrin01:45
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de thousands of syrian refugees are returning to their home country for the ramadan holiday after the turkish army liberated terrorist hotbeds near the... - afrin02:51
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at an election campaign rally for ruling justice and development party in northwestern zonguldak... - afrin10:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish foreign minister mevlut cavusoglu speaks at the residence of turkey's ambassador to the u.s. serdar kilic in washington, usa on june 04,... - afrin12:23
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkey will clear terrorists from east of euphrates east just like turkish army has done it in this river's west, prime minister binali yildirim said... - afrin03:36
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de syrian police candidates are being trained by turkish police academy, special forces unit members in turkey on may 30, 2018. a total of 800 syrian... - afrin03:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan addresses supporters during an election campaign rally of his ruling justice and development party in southern... - afrin04:41
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkey will continue its fight against terrorism without any pause, the chief of the turkish general staff said on saturday. “we resolutely continue... - afrin06:08
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkey's humanitarian relief foundation will provide iftar to 50,000 syrians every day in the holy month of ramadan, it said on may 19, 2018. selim... - afrin01:24
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de at least 4,464 terrorists have been "neutralized" since the launch of operation olive branch in syria, president recep tayyip erdogan said on... - afrin06:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at a fast-breaking dinner for martyrs’ families at presidential complex in ankara, turkey on may 16,... - afrin05:01
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de total of 70 syrian refugees return to syria under the voluntary return program on may 10, 2018 in kilis, turkey. syrian ayse hayyani, suzan hamo and... - afrin02:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the chief of the turkish general staff said thursday that clearing the turkish army of fetullah terrorist organization members had made it stronger.... - afrin01:23
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de syrian police candidates are being trained by turkish police academy, special forces unit members in turkey on may 09, 2018. a total of 620 syrian... - afrin07:51
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish aid agency on monday sent 20 truckloads of humanitarian aid to areas of syria cleared of terrorists by turkey's euphrates shield and olive... - afrin02:40
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish wrestler taha akgul wins gold medal in the european wrestling championship after beating georgian geno petriashvili in the men’s freestyle... - afrin02:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de at least 4,406 terrorists have been “neutralized" since the launch of operation olive branch in syria, president recep tayyip erdogan said on... - afrin05:39
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkey will maintain its presence in afrin until it has been secured, president recep tayyip erdogan said on friday. speaking at the istanbul youth... - afrin06:00
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de new 105-millimeter lightweight towed howitzer weapon system, which will raise largely to the turkish armed forces' logistical and tactical... - afrin00:45
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the turkish disaster and emergency management authority , red crescent, and another turkish aid group have set 200 tent shelters in the countryside... - afrin04:30
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at his justice and development party's istanbul youth branch congress on april 29, 2018. president... - afrin04:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de syrian families who had to flee afrin because of terror, are returning to their homes in small groups on april 26, 2018 in kilis, turkey. on... - afrin02:53
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the kurdish national council of syria member nuri brimo delivers a speech during a press conference in erbil, iraq on aprıl 25, 2018. brimo said pyd... - afrin02:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at the parliamentary group meeting of justice and development party at the grand national assembly of... - afrin05:34
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de about a month after liberating the region across turkey’s border from terrorists, the turkish military has opened an emergency services hospital in... - afrin01:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan said on friday that nearly 4,250 terrorists have been neutralized during operation olive branch in... - afrin05:19
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the parliament on friday ratified the bill calling for early elections in turkey on june 24, with lawmakers from ruling and opposition parties... - afrin02:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de free syrian army fighter, who was heavily wounded in a landmine explosion during operation olive branch in northwestern syria, has recovered after... - afrin05:55
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the planned early elections on june 24 will be the last one in turkey, education minister ismet yilmaz said on april 20, 2018. speaking to anadolu... - afrin04:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de at least 9,880 syrians in turkey have returned to their country through the cilvegozu border gate in turkey's southern hatay province in last... - afrin00:39
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan addresses during ak party's parliamentary group meeting at the grand national assembly of turkey in ankara,... - afrin05:35
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish armed forces along with free syrian army fighters continue to search and clear the landmines and other explosive devices in order to... - afrin01:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at the 6th ordinary congress of his justice and development party in istanbul, turkey on april 15,... - afrin05:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de huge underground base of terrorists was found in syria’s afrin region, which was recently liberated during the turkey-led operation olive branch. the... - afrin04:37
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish police and gendarmerie special forces clear the darth obasi village from ypg/pkk terrorists on april 14, 2018 in syria's afrin region, which... - afrin03:44
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan said on saturday that nearly 4,000 terrorists have been neutralized during operation olive branch in... - afrin04:37
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish police and gendarmerie special forces discovered a training area belonging to ypg/pkk terrorists in a village in afrin region, which was... - afrin01:49
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks to the media following friday prayer in istanbul, turkey on april 13, 2018. turkey is in talks with the... - afrin05:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish troops and the free syrian army members secure entrances to syria's afrin on april 13, 2018. interviews with muhamed mustafa, mohamed... - afrin03:54
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de kurdish, arab and turkmen civilian representatives have established an interim local council in syria’s afrin on thursday to provide local services.... - afrin01:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the turkish army is providing health services to people in rural afrin in northwestern syria, which was recently cleared of terrorists in turkey's... - afrin01:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan delivers a speech during the meeting with turkish roma at the presidential complex in ankara, turkey on april... - afrin05:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de more than 162,000 syrians have returned to terror-free regions in syria following turkish military-led operation euphrates shield and operation olive... - afrin03:58
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de various shots of a wastewater treatment plant which is under reconstruction by turkey in syria’s afrin region on april 10, 2018. residents of afrin... - afrin01:00
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks to reporters at the grand national assembly of turkey in ankara, turkey on april 10, 2018. president... - afrin01:41
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish soldiers are distributing bread to people in northwestern syria's afrin region, which was recently purged of terrorists during operation... - afrin02:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at the ruling justice and development party’s ordinary provincial congress in van, turkey on april 08,... - afrin05:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de residents of the recently liberated syrian district of afrin have gained access to running water as turkey repaired the malfunctioning supply network... - afrin04:33
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de interior shots of wounded people being treated for their injuries after airstrikes on afrin on 19 march 2018 in afrin, syria - afrin01:47
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish presidential spokesman ibrahim kalin speaks at a press conference in ankara, turkey on april 05, 2018. on the ongoing turkish military... - afrin01:41
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkey’s eu affairs minister omer celik speaks to the media in paris, france on april 05, 2018. turkey's european union affairs minister on thursday... - afrin04:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de residents of the recently liberated syrian district of afrin are making the most of freedom and enjoying the normalization of their daily lives.“in... - afrin04:41
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de young girl rescued by turkish soldiers from the debris of a ypg/pkk terrorist bomb attack in afrin, syria is busy making her recovery in southern... - afrin04:57
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de police arresting activists, in munich, germany, on march 20, 2018. about 20 pro-kurdish activists blocked the bavarian headquarters of the social... - afrin00:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de police arresting activists, in munich, germany, on march 20, 2018. about 20 pro-kurdish activists blocked the bavarian headquarters of the social... - afrin00:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de police arresting activists, in munich, germany, on march 20, 2018. about 20 pro-kurdish activists blocked the bavarian headquarters of the social... - afrin00:50
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish soldiers are distributing bread to the people of syria's afrin district, which was recently purged of terrorists by the turkish army’s... - afrin02:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de free syrian army forces patrol in northwestern syria’s afrin region, which was liberated by turkey-backed forces from ypg/pkk and daesh terrorist... - afrin03:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish prime minister binali yildirim speaks at a press conference with opposition nationalist movement party leader devlet bahceli following their... - afrin01:38
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de turkish soldiers and free syrian army forces conduct search operations for explosive ordnances, including improvised explosive devices and mines,... - afrin02:16