Last troops leave Aden and arrive in Britain
Last troops leave Aden and arrive in Britain; ***ALSO AVAILABLE AS FS301167082***
CU 42nd Marine Commando flag down
BV Troops and equipment run to helicopter
G/A Helicopters in distance - men in F/G
MS Helicopter off and away
Air V Country and mountains
ENGLAND: Brise Norton:
CU Lieutenant Colonel John Owen of 42 Marine Commando Royal Marines: SOF: Says that he felt they were making history and couldn't believe the time had come to withdraw. All went very smoothly. Men took it very well considering that they handed over to the people who had been killing their buddies.
Dubbed Shots Over Owen SOF
MS S Arabian troops by side of road, cars passed
MS Jeep R-L, Arab Officer out Pan lorry stops
CS Soldier with rifle, watches
MS Troops by road - traffic passed in B/G
MS Troops stand
MS Soldier runs directed by officer
MS British Officer and Arab Officer shake hands and smile
CS Brigadier Dick Jeffries, Commander of Aden Brigade SOF: Says that he is pleased to be back and feels a sense of achievement, praises the troops especially the younger ones.

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
30 de noviembre de 1967
Fecha de subida:
Tipo de licencia:
Derechos exprés
Inf. de autorización:
No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
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Creado el máster para:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Rodado originalmente en:
576 25i
Nombre del objeto:
- Aden,
- Reino Unido,
- 1960-1969,
- Aire libre,
- Audio disponible,
- Bandera,
- Cadena de montañas,
- Color - Tipo de imagen,
- Conflicto,
- Coronel,
- De Archivo,
- Ejército de Tierra,
- Grabación en tiempo real,
- Helicóptero,
- Historia,
- ITV News at 5.55,
- Inglaterra,
- Llegada,
- Montaña,
- Partida,
- Película - Imagen en movimiento,
- Reportaje - Segmento editado,
- Secuencia sin editar,
- Teniente,
- Viento,
- Yemen,