vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de line of young men standing in line waiting to enlist in military for vietnam war / men at tables enlisting, filling out forms / military man using... - reclutamiento militar00:32
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection. - reclutamiento militar02:42
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de english soldiers in mess hall eating. ext soldiers doing drill. officer correcting soldier w/ rifle. soldiers dropping into firing position on floor.... - reclutamiento militar00:19
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de fuerzas armadas de la forma de conseguir - 1080hd - reclutamiento militar00:25
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection. - reclutamiento militar02:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de large group of army recruits walking down a street / united states - reclutamiento militar00:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection / participant... - reclutamiento militar03:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection. - reclutamiento militar02:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection / invocation... - reclutamiento militar01:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de us army soldados marchando en formación; 2005 - reclutamiento militar00:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de placard about draft card burning / men trying to burn draft cards / counter-demonstrators, one wearing us army jacket, shouting at man / placard,... - reclutamiento militar00:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de men turning over capsules during wwii selective service lottery / fdr announcing first and second lottery draftees / man opening draft letter / black... - reclutamiento militar01:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection. - reclutamiento militar01:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection. - reclutamiento militar02:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de british army recruits signing up / united kingdom - reclutamiento militar00:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de london street pedestrians english men handing out newspapers. vs sign '...all men of 20 300 000 conscripts.' men walking w/ rifles. ext vs men... - reclutamiento militar00:34
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de footage from rostov-on-don shows dozens of young russian men receiving training as they have been called into service during the partial military... - reclutamiento militar00:48
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de gvs from the jordan valley where the ultra-orthodox are required by law to serve the israeli defense forces, much to the community's dismay. - reclutamiento militar00:13
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de cassius clay in a texas court for refusal to be inducted into military selective service / shaking hands with police, followed by others, speaks to... - reclutamiento militar00:35
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft lottery conducted on december 1, 1969 after president nixon issued an executive order establishing a process of random selection. - reclutamiento militar01:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de soldado del ejército despidiéndose de su familia - reclutamiento militar00:37
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de reporters wait for the first number to be drawn watching / top view reporters waiting / side view women writing down numbers / writing down numbers /... - reclutamiento militar01:01
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de russians trying to avoid military conscription are heading to georgia in droves, causing traffic snarls on routes leading to the border. vehicles... - reclutamiento militar02:02
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ws zi view of navy ship at sea - reclutamiento militar00:10
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de reclutador militar hablando con el joven afroamericano - reclutamiento militar00:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de colombian women attended the enlisting process to the colombian army after nearly 30 years at tolemaida army airfield located in nilo, colombia on... - reclutamiento militar04:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de and reporters typing, making lists of names / lists of names on machine / sorting name list / sorting name list / man writes number 158 and 192 on... - reclutamiento militar00:42
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de shows exterior shots long queue of ukrainian men waiting to sign up to join the ukrainian army, interior and exterior shots men buying uniforms and... - reclutamiento militar03:02
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de el reclutador militar irreconocible ayuda al nuevo recluta potencial - reclutamiento militar00:10
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de students take new draft deferment test" superimposed on crowd of young men outside entrance to building; vs high angle views of men clustered around... - reclutamiento militar00:25
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de men receive physicals as part of the draft in world war ii. - reclutamiento militar00:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de american soldiers marching / draft lottery / donald nelson speaks to camera / montage of factory workers making weapons / clock spinning quickly. - reclutamiento militar01:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de men standing in line to sign up for selective service / men having height measured / conscription ticket or draft card / service men in basic... - reclutamiento militar01:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de boxer joe louis, wearing overcoat and fedora, walks with military policeman as he arrives at fort jay on governors island, ny, to enlist in the us... - reclutamiento militar00:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage group of men waits on nyc street to learn whether they have been drafted in 1940 / group of men look at newspaper, point at one in their... - reclutamiento militar00:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de wide-eyed young woman stares during drawing of first draft number in 1940 / us president franklin roosevelt reads the first draft number drawn by us... - reclutamiento militar00:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage men with fishbowl and capsules bearing numbers during drawing of first draft numbers in 1940 / us president franklin roosevelt and other... - reclutamiento militar00:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage men stand in line outside draft board building to register for world war i military service as other men exit after registering / man seated... - reclutamiento militar00:19
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de views of large crowd of protestors with line of troops between them and the pentagon, zoom into protestor burning his draft card. pan around to show... - reclutamiento militar00:32
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de close up of protestors burning draft cards and dollar bills. - reclutamiento militar00:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de young men registering for army at table outside / ficer registering young man at desk / man measuring man's uniform / man being measured, smiling /... - reclutamiento militar00:22
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de man on phone / man writes number 158 on chalkboard / men at work on books / top view pan men at work on books / group of reporters at work, one typing - reclutamiento militar00:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de fingers open tiny draft capsule, hand taking out paper out of capsule / paper reads title "paramount news: conscription lottery voice: gregory... - reclutamiento militar01:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de group around radio, seaman's institute / group of people in country store / group of c.c.c. boys listen to radio / football players lay and crouch on... - reclutamiento militar00:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de newspaper extra headline reads: "1st draft number 158," tilt up to face of quang kwong foo in california / sign reads: "university of san francisco"... - reclutamiento militar00:53
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de departmental auditorium building where draft number are drawn / boxes of numbered capsules and a table being carried up steps into building / int top... - reclutamiento militar00:52
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de american civilians being physically inspected by military doctors as part of wwii induction process, including eye / vision and hearing tests, 1941.... - reclutamiento militar00:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de episode q-05] greatest headlines of the century title sequence / title: "draft begins" with photo of draft numbers being drawn // [1917, washington,... - reclutamiento militar03:24
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de military supplies travel by convoy during the vietnam war to base near demilitarized zone. 1967. sequence of shots. - reclutamiento militar00:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de soldiers advance in combat during vietnam war in 1968 - reclutamiento militar00:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de gvs from the jordan valley where the ultra-orthodox are required by law to serve the israeli defense forces, much to the community's dismay. - reclutamiento militar00:10
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de gvs from the jordan valley where the ultra-orthodox are required by law to serve the israeli defense forces, much to the community's dismay. - reclutamiento militar00:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de follow up to save our sons anti conscription fairlea five jailing release: int office - reporters and others stand about / close up woman / tea... - reclutamiento militar03:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de draft dodgers; usa: new york: int draft of new recruits to us army calling out names at roll call ext us army recruiting poster army recruits... - reclutamiento militar04:23
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de soldiers help others try on uniforms and coats in the barracks. - reclutamiento militar00:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de doctors administer a battery of tests to possible draftees. - reclutamiento militar00:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de national army museum exhibition on world war ii commandos; stan scott interview sot - on enlisting at 15, sent home / then met the lads from the... - reclutamiento militar00:17
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de president woodrow wilson being blindfolded by officer, officer guiding hand of president into glass bowl filled w/ lottery numbers, wilson taking out... - reclutamiento militar00:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de young adult us navy sailor putting on cap in front of mirror, saluting, 'aye, aye sir!' soldiers in uniform piling duffel bags in stack at train... - reclutamiento militar00:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de teenage draft bill passed / exterior shots of the capitol building in washington, dc / new young army enlistees head to training / young men training... - reclutamiento militar01:54
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de capitol building at night / people line up in the gallery to enter an evening senate session / senate in session / dressed in black, women sit... - reclutamiento militar00:33
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de sign indicating location of selective service registration board; pan young man looks at sign, enters building / men approach building, walk up steps... - reclutamiento militar00:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage two blindfolded men stand at jar full of capsules bearing numbers; one man stirs the contents of the jar; col. c. r. morris ties a blindfold... - reclutamiento militar00:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de artillery gun fires / word "war" / motorcade moves down street as crowds line both sides / blindfolded man draws draft number from fishbowl / ext us... - reclutamiento militar00:46
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de long line of men waiting on street to enter building / building entrance as men wait and others exit the building / men wait near entrance as others... - reclutamiento militar00:35
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de government official talks about changing military draft law in chicago in 1969. - reclutamiento militar00:40
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ukraine announced on thursday that it will return to mandatory conscription in the coming months as its troops battle pro russian insurgents in the... - reclutamiento militar01:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de young man studying at desk, saying: "it will interrupt my career, but the war might end it." / sot unid man: "ok, everybody is doing their bit" /... - reclutamiento militar00:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1960s men at tables enlisting in military / vietnam war / newsreel - reclutamiento militar00:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de the secretary of the district medical commission and a nurse are sitting at the medical qualification point on the first day of military service... - reclutamiento militar00:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de medium shot of protesters demonstration at anti-vietnam war demonstration at night, oakland, california; 1967 - reclutamiento militar00:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de aerial swiss trainee soldiers line up on parade ground; 1971 - reclutamiento militar00:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de aerial trainee swiss soldiers practice marching together; 1971 - reclutamiento militar00:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de groups of swiss soldiers marching in parade ground; 1971 - reclutamiento militar00:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de aerial groups of swiss trainee soldiers run in parade ground; 1971 - reclutamiento militar00:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de young men as they march away, and board trains - enlistment in wwi. young men enlist in army - wwi on january 01, 1917 in santa clara, california - reclutamiento militar01:04