vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 ws ha skyline with empire state building and ships on river / new york city, new york, usa - 194000:51
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 ws traffic on street near radio city music hall / new york city, new york, usa - 194000:37
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 b/w montage refugees fleeing the german army in world war ii following invasion / france - 194000:24
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de german army breaking through thr ardennes/ german engineer battalions clearing pathways for the tanks/ german tanks advancing and reaching meuse... - 194004:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 b/w dolly shot of crowded sidewalk in times square at night / new york city - 194001:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage the city, and pedestrians on the sidewalks / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:20
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de adolf hitler travels through the ruined city of dunkirk before arriving at the devastated port of calais. - 194001:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de medium angle looking down street in residential area or neighborhood. see classic cars parked on street and palm trees lining street. see more classic cars approaching on street towards pov - 194000:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage civilian workers going to work amidst the ruin and rubble of the bombed city / london, england, united kingdom - 194001:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ms a police officer directing vehicle and bicycle traffic near the tower of big ben / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de hitler meets with his generals in berlin to plan for his hoped for invasion. a quote appears on the screen: "where napoleon failed, i shall succeed.... - 194001:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de mexico city buildings & trees. mexico national palace. mexican guards patrolling entrance to building other guards seated inside. int officers at... - 194000:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ws view of various capitol building at spring and summer / united states - 194000:23
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de reenactment lightship crewmen playing accordion, hooking a rug, and washing dishes, turning on the radio, flipping a coin, and going on deck / england, united kingdom - 194001:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage steel worker gathering a sample for inspection / united kingdom - 194000:35
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage classrooms at a school / united kingdom - 194000:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 ws pan traffic in times square / new york city, new york, usa - 194000:28
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de "we shall defend our island whatever the cost may be. we shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in streets and on the hills. we shall... - 194000:28
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage nurse walking past bedridden patients in hospital ward, doctor guiding young patient to walk, mother cradling infant in her arms, and doctor using stethoscope to check young patient's heartbeat / united kingdom - 194000:17
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage workers beginning their shift in a factory, a supervisor collecting work orders from the office and delivering them to the workers, a new worker being shown how to operate machinery, and various machines in operation / united kingdom - 194001:54
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ws steel workers working in steel mill / united states - 194000:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de medium angle of street that extends out on to beach. see beach on right and street lined by stores on left. see taxi pass on right moving towards beach. see couple standing on side of street on right looking out to beach. santa monica pier. los angeles. c - 194000:29
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de night bombing of london / burning city / people in air raid shelter - 194000:22
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage united states marine corps trainees marching along dusty rural road / united states - 194001:03
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage civilians going to work amidst the rubble and ruin following an air raid / london, england, united kingdom - 194001:05
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage soldiers readying searchlights and anti-aircraft guns, firemen and air raid wardens standing by, and hand turning on the air raid siren / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:38
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage night-time air raid, with anti-aircraft guns firing, searchlight blazing, and bombs exploding / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage telephone conversation between diplomats speaking french, with one dispatching assistant and assistant dispatching motorcycle british army messenger / united kingdom - 194001:10
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage factory workers taking a break from operating machinery to get snacks and a drink from vendors, worker feeding milk to a cat / united kingdom - 194000:31
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage new york city skyline and buildings / new york, united states - 194000:07
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de british people carrying gas masks as they walk through london getting on with the business of daily living while simultaneously preparing for german... - 194000:42
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de rome. castel st. angelo w/ tiber river fg. piazza san pietro . basilica di san pietro in vaticano . - 194000:17
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage night-time air raid, with bomb exploding, anti-aircraft gun flashing, and searchlight blazing / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:55
v ídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage newborns on pediatric ward sleeping in bassinets, nurses placing babies on hospital infant trolley, and nurses arriving at maternity ward and handing over newborn to mother / united kingdom - 194000:39
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage students walking outside a college / tuskegee, alabama, united states - 194000:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 ws barge passing under brooklyn bridge / new york city, new york, usa - 194000:43
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de nazi fighter planes travel up the thames river as sirens sound, fighter planes shoot and bombs drop on the city on the first night of the london blitz - 194000:48
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de skyscrapers surround the new york stock exchange on wall street in new york city. - 194000:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de houses of parliament w/ victoria tower encased in scaffolding. bobby policeman near door. queen wilhelmina of netherlands dutch government in exile,... - 194000:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de german troops attack, june 11 1940. colorized content. - 194000:06
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de adolf hitler in paris after fall of france, june 23 1940. colorized content. - 194000:09
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de children being sent to the south/ french soldiers at barricades on city streets - 194000:22
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de french high command discussing the war situation / marshal petain / french and german delegations arriving / signing of the armistice in the rail... - 194001:58
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de nazi airplanes on airfield, taking off / animation showing nazi airplanes attacking britain on map / edward r murrow speaking about nazi attack on... - 194001:12
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage two women greet visitors to their home / east anglia, united kingdom - 194000:31
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de b/w dawn over edinburgh, city on the hill, hayfield ready to harvest, military convoy driving through suburbs, the forth bridge in mist, truck driver signaling turn, military policeman signaling stop, and steering wheel / rosyth, scotland, united kingdom - 194000:51
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage marching band, and british army units marching along road in formation / united kingdom - 194000:33
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage operations inside a television studio / united kingdom - 194000:16
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage mother waking daughter for work as father returns home from factory night shift, feeding them both breakfast then sitting down for tea as daughter goes to work and father to bed during world war ii / united kingdom - 194001:48
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage emergency secondary schools having physical education and gym classes during world war ii / united kingdom - 194000:28
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage steel workers forging steel with machines and equipment / united kingdom - 194000:48
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de b/w montage early world war ii combat showing nazi rally in germany and devastation in czechoslovakia, poland, norway, holland, belgium, and france / europe - 194000:53
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage young women playing game with boys and girls / united states - 194000:11
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 ws ha bethesda fountain and lake in central park / new york city, new york, usa - 194000:26
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 women workers check through new coins - 194000:24
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de ms young woman loading laundry into washing machine / united states - 194000:18
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de boy using globe in classroom geography. boys seated at desks. boy standing at front of class using globe south american map in front of seated... - 194000:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de white house pedestrians fg. int president franklin d. roosevelt holding press conference in oval office reporters. reporters standing w/ notepads.... - 194000:14
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de hacienda farm mountains bg. int mexican family eating at table. ext mexican w/ sombrero mexican man & woman talking. girl standing up in class... - 194000:24
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de guards patrolling mexican national palace doorway. int lazaro cardenas sitting at head of long table of men mexico map bg. cardenas talking at table.... - 194000:21
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de aerial view of london and bomber planes flying / shot of pilots from inside plane / bombs over london / building on fire / bombs exploding / aerial... - 194000:48
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de german soldiers run through a town and are met with opposing gunfire during the invasion of france, 1940. - 194000:19
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de / german planes attack ships in ocean / water based explosions / ally navy running along deck trying to get dressed / german planes in the sky seen... - 194000:56
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de german military vehicles, including panzer tanks, crowd a road during the battle of france, june 11 1940. colorized content. - 194000:15
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de german panzer tank breaks through trees during battle of france, june 11 1940. colorized content. - 194000:10
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de german do-17 bombers drop bombs on allied forces over french countryside, june 11 1940, during battle of france. colorized content. - 194000:04
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de icebreakers in far north of siberia, snowy countryside in spring, horse drawn sleigh pulled through snow, wolf running in forest, blizzard,... - 194001:51
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage firefighters spraying water onto burning building during night-time air raid / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:30
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage pedestrians waiting on sidewalk and cars driving down streets / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:34
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage civilian workers going to work amidst the ruin and rubble of the bombed city / london, england, united kingdom - 194001:42
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de reenactment depot ship argos leaving harbor, trinity house official radioing argos regarding change of plans, and argos crew and captain receiving message and changing course / england, united kingdom - 194000:54
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage british civilians in the auxiliary fire service practice fire fighting techniques / london, england, united kingdom - 194000:53
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage two women learning how to drive a tractor / east anglia, united kingdom - 194000:27
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage two women, a man, and a boy walk into a room and the man sits down and listens to a radio broadcast / east anglia, united kingdom - 194000:25
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage munitions workers manufacturing naval guns / united kingdom - 194000:22
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage workers in munitions factory manufacturing artillery rounds and bombs, inspector smoking on the job, and workers stacking shells / united kingdom - 194000:53
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de montage employees hard at work in different industries / united kingdom - 194000:38
vídeos y material grabado en eventos de stock de 1940 montage young patients relaxing in hospital beds in outdoor ward of hospital / united kingdom - 194000:12