Thousands killed in tribal warfare.
Thousands killed in tribal warfare; ITN
SOMALIA: Mogadishu:
CMS Man carries body of child wrapped in black plastic towards and away PAN L-R
TCMS Young girl lying on ground with left leg amputated below knee PULL OUT
CMS Gang of soldiers in jeep unload body TRACK AROUND
CMS Men placing man on hospital bed
MS Doctor restraining man on bed PAN L-R other man on bed
CMS Child with bandaged head
TMS Woman and four injured children on floor
CMS Steve Tomlin (Intnl Medical Corps) at foot of bed of injured man PAN R-L
CMS Steve Tomlin (Intnl Medical Corps) intvwd SOT:
- Things are out of control and desperate
MS TRACK FORWARD in Red Cross vehicle PAN L-R armed man in vehicle
MS Damaged buildings TRACK FORWARD (shot through cracked windscreen)
MS Armed man along PULL OUT rubble strewn house and street
MS Militia in make-shift jeep with gun towards and away
MS Over-crowded car with armed men towards
MS Jeep with gun towards
MS Two armed men crouching behind wall ZOOM IN as man aims out of window
CMS Man shoots out of window
MS Crowded street with people along
MS People camping under trees
CMS Children by camp PULL OUT
CMS Crying child
MS Armed men on make-shift jeep towards
MS James Jonah (UN Envoy) towards as Gen Mohamed Farah Aideed (Somalian warlord) shakes his hand
CMS James Jonah shaking with unnamed officials towards
CMS James Jonah (UN Envoy) intvwd SOT:
- UN can only help with co-operation
MS Armed men aboard jeep along
CMS James Jonah in car away
CMS Armed men aboard jeep along PAN R-L
CMS Thompson i/c SOT
MS Armed man by truck away TRACK FORWARD
TX 4.1.92/22.00

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
04 de enero de 1992
Fecha de subida:
Tipo de licencia:
Derechos exprés
Inf. de autorización:
No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
Duración del clip:
Creado el máster para:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Rodado originalmente en:
576 25i
Nombre del objeto:
- Guerra Civil Somalí,
- Apuntar,
- Estrechar las manos,
- Guerra,
- Mogadiscio,
- Naciones Unidas,
- 1990-1999,
- 4x4,
- Abundancia,
- Acostado,
- Adulto,
- Agacharse,
- Angustiado,
- Arma,
- Asistencia sanitaria y medicina,
- Audio disponible,
- Ayuda,
- Calle,
- Cama,
- Casa,
- Coche,
- Color - Tipo de imagen,
- Conflicto,
- Control,
- Cooperación,
- Cultura indígena,
- Dañado,
- De Archivo,
- Descargar - Actividad,
- El cuerno de África,
- Envuelto,
- Escombros,
- Estados de la Costa del Golfo,
- Grabación en tiempo real,
- Hombres,
- Hospital,
- Improvisado,
- Lesión física,
- Mano,
- Miembro - Parte del cuerpo,
- Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja,
- Muerte,
- Niñas,
- Niño,
- Película - Imagen en movimiento,
- Plástico,
- Posicionamiento,
- Retener,
- Retroceder la cámara,
- Rodilla,
- Sacudir,
- Secuencia sin editar,
- Sin esperanza,
- Soldado - Ejército de Tierra,
- Texas,
- Tipo de transporte,
- Venda,
- Ventana,
- Zoom hacia dentro,
- Árbol,