Debt crisis: The view from Aegina

Debt crisis: The view from Aegina; GREECE: EXT Crew member casting off on deck of ferry Crew members on deck Ferry setting sail View from ferry leaving port Deck of ferry Seagulls flying above ferry Reporter sitting on empty deck of ferry TRACKING SHOT across sea - island seen across water Houses on island (seen across water) Docks, habour and buildings on island (seen across sea) Aegina: People queueing to withdraw money from ATM (cash machine) Man waving cash (50 Euro note) in the air with fake joy and others queuing to use ATM Vox pop (translated by reporter) Syriza building Banner on Syriza building People sitting at outdoor cafe tables General view of small boats at harbour Worker preparing fish at market Worker preparing fish Market stalls - some empty Vox pops INT Pistachio nuts coming out of machine on production line Kostas Peppas (Aegina Pistachio Growers Cooperative) showing reporter around pistachio farming factory Pistachios being salted in machine Pistachio nuts being tipped from one container into another Pistachio nuts being tipped into basket Pistachio nuts dropping into basket EXT Reporter and Peppas along past pistachio trees Peppas plucking pistachio nut Close shot hand holding pistachio nut Kostas Peppas (Aegina Pistachio Growers Cooperative) set-up shot with reporter / interview SOT Boat sailing across harbour People swimming in sea Young man picking up young woman and spinning her around Young people on beach
Debt crisis: The view from Aegina; GREECE: EXT Crew member casting off on deck of ferry Crew members on deck Ferry setting sail View from ferry leaving port Deck of ferry Seagulls flying above ferry Reporter sitting on empty deck of ferry TRACKING SHOT across sea - island seen across water Houses on island (seen across water) Docks, habour and buildings on island (seen across sea) Aegina: People queueing to withdraw money from ATM (cash machine) Man waving cash (50 Euro note) in the air with fake joy and others queuing to use ATM Vox pop (translated by reporter) Syriza building Banner on Syriza building People sitting at outdoor cafe tables General view of small boats at harbour Worker preparing fish at market Worker preparing fish Market stalls - some empty Vox pops INT Pistachio nuts coming out of machine on production line Kostas Peppas (Aegina Pistachio Growers Cooperative) showing reporter around pistachio farming factory Pistachios being salted in machine Pistachio nuts being tipped from one container into another Pistachio nuts being tipped into basket Pistachio nuts dropping into basket EXT Reporter and Peppas along past pistachio trees Peppas plucking pistachio nut Close shot hand holding pistachio nut Kostas Peppas (Aegina Pistachio Growers Cooperative) set-up shot with reporter / interview SOT Boat sailing across harbour People swimming in sea Young man picking up young woman and spinning her around Young people on beach

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
06 de julio de 2015
Fecha de subida:
Tipo de licencia:
Derechos exprés
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No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
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1080 25i
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