Antony Blinken nomination testimony on seeking WHO reform, citing coronavirus economic impacts

Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken says at Senate Foreign Relations Committee nomination hearing that the World Health Organization was a very imperfect organization in need of reform, but one reason President-elect Joe Biden was determined to get back into the WHO was to be a more effective position to advance reform, a combination of rejoining and taking part in ensuring active distribution of a coronavirus vaccine, the potential for a lot of COVID tales to wag the COVID dog around the world in ways that come back to potentially are the United States, seeing potential for a debt crisis among emerging economies and developing economies, a public health crisis in country after country because COVID and made it more difficult to provide other health services, seeing more state fragility increases and not decreases as a result of many of the challenges COVID exacerbated, in some cases led to national interest existed in helping.
Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken says at Senate Foreign Relations Committee nomination hearing that the World Health Organization was a very imperfect organization in need of reform, but one reason President-elect Joe Biden was determined to get back into the WHO was to be a more effective position to advance reform, a combination of rejoining and taking part in ensuring active distribution of a coronavirus vaccine, the potential for a lot of COVID tales to wag the COVID dog around the world in ways that come back to potentially are the United States, seeing potential for a debt crisis among emerging economies and developing economies, a public health crisis in country after country because COVID and made it more difficult to provide other health services, seeing more state fragility increases and not decreases as a result of many of the challenges COVID exacerbated, in some cases led to national interest existed in helping.

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
19 de enero de 2021
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Washington, DC, United States
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