Oil company bosses to appear before Congress to answer Exxon Mobil lobbying allegations

Oil company bosses to appear before Congress to answer Exxon Mobil lobbying allegations; USA: EXT Congressman Ro Khanna (Chair, Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Environment) interview SOT - Do I believe that they would have been better if clean electricity programme had passed, of course / but the reality of politics is you have to look at the hand we've been dealt, which is a three seat majority in the House and tie in the Senate, not a single Republican willing to cross the aisle on on climate / and under that circumstance I think the President is doing the absolute best that he can Q: BUT HOW CRITICAL IS IT THAT HE GETS THIS DONE AHEAD OF TRAVELLING TO GLASGOW 26 - It is critical and the President has said that he needs this win before he goes to Glasgow / wants to stand and show that America is leading that America is back that America is capable of governing / that is the deadline / it's not an arbitrary deadline on October 31st / can we send him to Glasgow as our representative with the credibility that he needs to say that America is leading on climate Q: WHAT IF YOU CAN'T - You can't look at one setback one failure as as the end, we have no other choice we have to tackle the climate crisis / the young generation in this country is very, very mobilised, they are deeply committed to this top issue / and so we have a politics right now that isn't reflective of where the population is / that will change / and the question is how much damage is going to happen until that change takes place Q: ISN'T KNOBBLING CERTAIN LAWMAKERS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE SEEING PLAYING OUT NOW IN TERMS OF STALLING OF JOE BIDEN'S DOMESTIC AGENDA AND CRUCIALLY CLIMATE CHANGE LEGISLATION / THE TWO HOLDOUT SENATORS WERE ON EXXON'S LIST AND ONE OF THEM WAS REFERRED TO AS THE KINGMAKER - There's definitely a concern about the special interests of the role of special interests in killing significant climate legislation and trying to kill the clean energy programme / and tha...
Oil company bosses to appear before Congress to answer Exxon Mobil lobbying allegations; USA: EXT Congressman Ro Khanna (Chair, Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Environment) interview SOT - Do I believe that they would have been better if clean electricity programme had passed, of course / but the reality of politics is you have to look at the hand we've been dealt, which is a three seat majority in the House and tie in the Senate, not a single Republican willing to cross the aisle on on climate / and under that circumstance I think the President is doing the absolute best that he can Q: BUT HOW CRITICAL IS IT THAT HE GETS THIS DONE AHEAD OF TRAVELLING TO GLASGOW 26 - It is critical and the President has said that he needs this win before he goes to Glasgow / wants to stand and show that America is leading that America is back that America is capable of governing / that is the deadline / it's not an arbitrary deadline on October 31st / can we send him to Glasgow as our representative with the credibility that he needs to say that America is leading on climate Q: WHAT IF YOU CAN'T - You can't look at one setback one failure as as the end, we have no other choice we have to tackle the climate crisis / the young generation in this country is very, very mobilised, they are deeply committed to this top issue / and so we have a politics right now that isn't reflective of where the population is / that will change / and the question is how much damage is going to happen until that change takes place Q: ISN'T KNOBBLING CERTAIN LAWMAKERS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE SEEING PLAYING OUT NOW IN TERMS OF STALLING OF JOE BIDEN'S DOMESTIC AGENDA AND CRUCIALLY CLIMATE CHANGE LEGISLATION / THE TWO HOLDOUT SENATORS WERE ON EXXON'S LIST AND ONE OF THEM WAS REFERRED TO AS THE KINGMAKER - There's definitely a concern about the special interests of the role of special interests in killing significant climate legislation and trying to kill the clean energy programme / and tha...

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Fecha de creación:
27 de octubre de 2021
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United States
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