NORTHERN IRELAND: Gerry Adams talks about future of the peace process
NORTHERN IRELAND: Gerry Adams talks about future of the peace process; NORTHERN IRELAND
Conway Hall
Gerry Adams (Sinn Fein Leader) along thru canteen to stand with other Sinn Fein representatives
SIDE CMS Martin McGuiness (Sinn Fein spokesman) standing chatting with others
MS Gerry Adams chatting with others
TGV Gerry Adams towards along to press conference with others including McGuinness PAN
SIDE CS McGuinness PULL FOCUS Gerry Adams
Gerry Adams MP (President, Sinn Fein) press conference SOT
- I want to speak directly to the volunteer soldiers of the Republican Army/ your determination, selflessness and courage have brought the freedom struggle forward/ that struggle can now be taken forward by other means
- I say this with the authority of my office as President of Sinn Fein/ Can you take courageous initiatives which will achieve your aims by purely political and democratic activity/ I know full well that such truly historic decisions can only be taken in the aftermath of intense internal consultation/ I ask that you initiate this as quickly as possible
CUTAWAY McGuinness standing beside Adams at press conference
SIDE Gerry Adams reading from statement (not heard)
Gerry Adams MP (President, Sinn Fein) press conference SOT
- Your ability as Republican volunteers to rise to this challenge will mean that two governments and others cannot easily hide their obligations and their responsibility to resolve these problems/ Our struggle has reached a defining moment
SIDE McGuinness beside Adams PAN other Sinn Fein members
Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness along at end of press conference

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06 de abril de 2005
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Nombre del objeto:
- Apuntar,
- Audio disponible,
- Autoridad,
- Belfast,
- Channel 4 News,
- Color - Tipo de imagen,
- Conferencia de prensa,
- Contento,
- Coraje,
- Decisiones,
- Democracia,
- Desafío - Problemas,
- Desinteresado,
- Determinación,
- Elecciones,
- Estar de pie,
- Gerry Adams,
- Gobierno,
- Grabación en tiempo real,
- Hablar,
- Historia,
- Irlanda del Norte,
- Libertad,
- Martin Mcguinness,
- Oficina,
- Película - Imagen en movimiento,
- Personas,
- Política,
- Política y gobierno,
- Preguntar,
- Problemas,
- Reino Unido,
- Reportaje - Segmento editado,
- Responsabilidad,
- Sabiduría,
- Secuencia sin editar,
- Sinn Féin,
- Soldado - Ejército de Tierra,
- Trabajar,
- Voluntario,