Croydon vicar revives 'beer blessing' ceremony

Croydon vicar revives 'beer blessing' ceremony; ENGLAND: London: Croydon: INT Barman pulling pint of beer in pub Hands placing bowl of holy water on altar in church Reverend Lee Taylor (Associate Vicar, Croydon Minster) praying over holy water SOT Barman serving customer at bar in pub Reverend Taylor along in church Reverend Lee Taylor (Associate Vicar, Croydon Minster) interview SOT CUTAWAY Close shot of 'beer blessing' prayer in Latin on screen Incense burner (censer) Reverend Lee Taylor interview SOT Customer being served at bar in pub Pint of beer being poured Beer kegs in cellar Close shot of beer kegs Mark Knight (Landlord, The Dog and Bull) interview SOT CUTAWAY Barrels of beer PAN Hand picking up pint of beer Vox pops EXT General view of Croydon Minster General view of Dog & Bull pub with market stalls outside INT Beer taps on bar inside pub Barman pulling pint of cider
Croydon vicar revives 'beer blessing' ceremony; ENGLAND: London: Croydon: INT Barman pulling pint of beer in pub Hands placing bowl of holy water on altar in church Reverend Lee Taylor (Associate Vicar, Croydon Minster) praying over holy water SOT Barman serving customer at bar in pub Reverend Taylor along in church Reverend Lee Taylor (Associate Vicar, Croydon Minster) interview SOT CUTAWAY Close shot of 'beer blessing' prayer in Latin on screen Incense burner (censer) Reverend Lee Taylor interview SOT Customer being served at bar in pub Pint of beer being poured Beer kegs in cellar Close shot of beer kegs Mark Knight (Landlord, The Dog and Bull) interview SOT CUTAWAY Barrels of beer PAN Hand picking up pint of beer Vox pops EXT General view of Croydon Minster General view of Dog & Bull pub with market stalls outside INT Beer taps on bar inside pub Barman pulling pint of cider

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
04 de agosto de 2016
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Tipo de licencia:
Derechos exprés
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No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
Duración del clip:
United Kingdom
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25p
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1080 25i
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