Second game of the Word Series, political figures in the audience and the game goes on in New York City, New York 1950s

Close up views of Dodgers baseball players after the winning of the first game, Sal Maglie pitching; title card "Second Game"; teams preparing in the shade; presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson holding a baseball and wearing both Dodgers and Yankees caps in the crowd and laughing; Kenesaw Mountain Landis, commissioner of baseball in the crowd; Don Newcombe pitching; large crowd of people in the audience; Don Larsen hitting; crowd sitting down
Close up views of Dodgers baseball players after the winning of the first game, Sal Maglie pitching; title card "Second Game"; teams preparing in the shade; presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson holding a baseball and wearing both Dodgers and Yankees caps in the crowd and laughing; Kenesaw Mountain Landis, commissioner of baseball in the crowd; Don Newcombe pitching; large crowd of people in the audience; Don Larsen hitting; crowd sitting down

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Editorial n.º:
Premiere Archival Collection
Fecha de creación:
01 de octubre de 1956
Fecha de subida:
Tipo de licencia:
Derechos exprés
Inf. de autorización:
No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
Duración del clip:
United States
Creado el máster para:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 24p
Premiere Archival Collection
Nombre del objeto: