Senator Murkowski exchange with Sessions over state marijuana law enforcement

Attorney General Jeff Sessions answers questions from Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee at a fiscal 2019 budget hearing about whether the Justice Department would be an obstacle to the state marijuana law enforcement, the question of supremacy as a question of simple loss such as in Alaska compared to Washington, Sessions adding that laws passed by Congress are on the books but his priorities were fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and people dying by massive amounts and therefore virtually zero small marijuana cases except for big dealers illegally acting and violating federal law. Murkowski hopes for a venue or an opportunity to advance legislation to open the door for a conversation about the inherent conflicts coming out of states working with the federal level.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions answers questions from Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee at a fiscal 2019 budget hearing about whether the Justice Department would be an obstacle to the state marijuana law enforcement, the question of supremacy as a question of simple loss such as in Alaska compared to Washington, Sessions adding that laws passed by Congress are on the books but his priorities were fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and people dying by massive amounts and therefore virtually zero small marijuana cases except for big dealers illegally acting and violating federal law. Murkowski hopes for a venue or an opportunity to advance legislation to open the door for a conversation about the inherent conflicts coming out of states working with the federal level.

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
25 de abril de 2018
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Washington, DC, United States
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