Donald Trump 2016 campaign

At a political rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, Donald Trump said to the crowd, "We won the evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated. We are the smartest people, we are the most loyal people. And you know what I am really happy about, we are 46 percent with the Hispanics 46 percent, number one with Hispanics."
At a political rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, Donald Trump said to the crowd, "We won the evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated. We are the smartest people, we are the most loyal people. And you know what I am really happy about, we are 46 percent with the Hispanics 46 percent, number one with Hispanics."

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Editorial n.º:
NBC News Archives Clips
Fecha de creación:
24 de febrero de 2016
Fecha de subida:
Tipo de licencia:
Derechos exprés
Inf. de autorización:
No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
Duración del clip:
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Creado el máster para:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 29.97i
Rodado originalmente en:
NBC News Archives Clips
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