The Revolution In Sicily - The Sicilians Demolishing The Fort Of Castellamare At Palermo...

The Revolution in Sicily - the Sicilians demolishing the Fort of Castellamare at Palermo - from a sketch by T. Nast, 1860. 'It may be remembered that the demolition of the fort of Castellamare was some time back decreed. On the 3rd of July a number of Palermitans - soldiers, priests, peasants, women, and children - headed by a band of music, went to demolish the works in question, and for several days they laboured at the task with hearty goodwill - lively recollections of the murderous fire of shot and shell which had recently been poured from it on their devoted town proving a sharp sput to their zeal. But as the fort of Castellamare constitutes the only defence of the city towards the sea the work of destruction was suspended by superior order'. From 'Illustrated London News', 1860. Creator: Unknown. (Photo by The Print Collector/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
The Revolution in Sicily - the Sicilians demolishing the Fort of Castellamare at Palermo - from a sketch by T. Nast, 1860. 'It may be remembered that the demolition of the fort of Castellamare was some time back decreed. On the 3rd of July a number of Palermitans - soldiers, priests, peasants, women, and children - headed by a band of music, went to demolish the works in question, and for several days they laboured at the task with hearty goodwill - lively recollections of the murderous fire of shot and shell which had recently been poured from it on their devoted town proving a sharp sput to their zeal. But as the fort of Castellamare constitutes the only defence of the city towards the sea the work of destruction was suspended by superior order'. From 'Illustrated London News', 1860. Creator: Unknown. (Photo by The Print Collector/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
The Revolution In Sicily - The Sicilians Demolishing The Fort Of Castellamare At Palermo...
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Heritage Images / Colaborador
Editorial n.º:
Hulton Archive
Fecha de creación:
01 de enero de 1860
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No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
Hulton Archive
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Tamaño máx. archivo:
5635 x 3948 px (47,71 x 33,43 cm) - 300 dpi - 12 MB