Student Pilot Charles J. Bishop

399356 03: A single-engine Cessna aircraft sits on the tarmac outside a hangar January 8, 2002 at the St. Petersburg-Clearwater Airport International Airport used by National Aviation Flight School. Charles J. Bishop of East Lake, FL, a 15-year-old student pilot, stole a similar aircraft from the flight school and crashed it into a downtown Tampa office building January 5, 2002. Bishop left behind a suicide note expressing sympathy for Osama bin Laden. (Photo by Steve Nesius/Getty Images)
399356 03: A single-engine Cessna aircraft sits on the tarmac outside a hangar January 8, 2002 at the St. Petersburg-Clearwater Airport International Airport used by National Aviation Flight School. Charles J. Bishop of East Lake, FL, a 15-year-old student pilot, stole a similar aircraft from the flight school and crashed it into a downtown Tampa office building January 5, 2002. Bishop left behind a suicide note expressing sympathy for Osama bin Laden. (Photo by Steve Nesius/Getty Images)
Student Pilot Charles J. Bishop
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Steve Nesius / Fotógrafo autónomo
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Getty Images News
Fecha de creación:
08 de enero de 2002
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