Bill Gates Portrait Session

REDMOND, WASHINGTON - 1986: Microsoft owner and founder Bill Gates poses outdoors with Microsoft's first laptop in 1986 at the new 40-acre corpororate campus in Redmond, Washington. In March, Microsoft held an initial public offering of 2.5 million shares. By the end of the year, Gates became a billionaire at the age of 31. Microsoft was the first company to dominate the personal computer market with it's MS-DOS system and subsequently the Windows platform. (Photo by Joe McNally/Getty Images)
REDMOND, WASHINGTON - 1986: Microsoft owner and founder Bill Gates poses outdoors with Microsoft's first laptop in 1986 at the new 40-acre corpororate campus in Redmond, Washington. In March, Microsoft held an initial public offering of 2.5 million shares. By the end of the year, Gates became a billionaire at the age of 31. Microsoft was the first company to dominate the personal computer market with it's MS-DOS system and subsequently the Windows platform. (Photo by Joe McNally/Getty Images)
Bill Gates Portrait Session
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Joe McNally / Colaborador
Editorial n.º:
Hulton Archive
Fecha de creación:
01 de enero de 1986
Fecha de subida:
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No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
Hulton Archive
Nombre del objeto:
Tamaño máx. archivo:
7172 x 6971 px (60,72 x 59,02 cm) - 300 dpi - 16 MB