Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (L)...

New Delhi, INDIA: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (L) shakes hands with Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz (R) as Sri Lankan President Mahindra Rajapakse (C) looks on during the closing cermony of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Summit in New Delhi, 04 April 2007. South Asian leaders were to wrap up a two-day summit setting the fight against terrorism and stronger trade as priorities for a region that is home to nearly 1.5 billion people. AFP PHOTO/RAVEENDRAN (Photo credit should read RAVEENDRAN/AFP via Getty Images)
New Delhi, INDIA: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (L) shakes hands with Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz (R) as Sri Lankan President Mahindra Rajapakse (C) looks on during the closing cermony of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Summit in New Delhi, 04 April 2007. South Asian leaders were to wrap up a two-day summit setting the fight against terrorism and stronger trade as priorities for a region that is home to nearly 1.5 billion people. AFP PHOTO/RAVEENDRAN (Photo credit should read RAVEENDRAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (L)...
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RAVEENDRAN / Fotógrafo de plantilla
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04 de abril de 2007
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