Save me: Diamond must find a new home or die.

Diamond the shaggy mongrel has good reason to have that appealing look in his eyes..he is doomed to die unless his owner sends him packing. The dog has built up a criminal record for himself since he was born ten years ago. All because he loves life so much that sometimes his boisterous-ness gets the better of him. In his latest escapade, a noisy lorry passed his home at St. Albans, Hertfordshire. The engine roar sounded like a challenge to the excitable Diamond. The black-and-white dog bounded after it, scattering passers by's and toppling a little boy. It landed Diamond in court for the fourth time. His earlier encounters with the town magistrates came about because he had either growled or snapped at people he didn't care for. His bark is worse than his bite, but the court ruled, on Wednesday (14-6-72), that his ma (Photo by WATFORD/Mirrorpix/Mirrorpix via Getty Images)
Diamond the shaggy mongrel has good reason to have that appealing look in his eyes..he is doomed to die unless his owner sends him packing. The dog has built up a criminal record for himself since he was born ten years ago. All because he loves life so much that sometimes his boisterous-ness gets the better of him. In his latest escapade, a noisy lorry passed his home at St. Albans, Hertfordshire. The engine roar sounded like a challenge to the excitable Diamond. The black-and-white dog bounded after it, scattering passers by's and toppling a little boy. It landed Diamond in court for the fourth time. His earlier encounters with the town magistrates came about because he had either growled or snapped at people he didn't care for. His bark is worse than his bite, but the court ruled, on Wednesday (14-6-72), that his ma (Photo by WATFORD/Mirrorpix/Mirrorpix via Getty Images)
Save me: Diamond must find a new home or die.
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Mirrorpix / Colaborador
Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
15 de junio de 1972
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No se cuenta con autorizaciones. Más información
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Tamaño máx. archivo:
3731 x 2815 px (31,59 x 23,83 cm) - 300 dpi - 3 MB