Delhi traffic police using the speed-tracking camera (mounted on a Tata Sumo) to check the high-speed motorists in New Delhi. This camera can detect the speed of a vehicle from 300 yards away.

INDIA - JULY 18: Delhi traffic police using the speed-tracking camera (mounted on a Tata Sumo) to check the high-speed motorists in New Delhi. This camera can detect the speed of a vehicle from 300 yards away. (Photo by Qamar Sibtain/The The India Today Group via Getty Images)
INDIA - JULY 18: Delhi traffic police using the speed-tracking camera (mounted on a Tata Sumo) to check the high-speed motorists in New Delhi. This camera can detect the speed of a vehicle from 300 yards away. (Photo by Qamar Sibtain/The The India Today Group via Getty Images)
Delhi traffic police using the speed-tracking camera (mounted on a Tata Sumo) to check the high-speed motorists in New Delhi. This camera can detect the speed of a vehicle from 300 yards away.
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The India Today Group
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18 de julio de 2006
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The India Today Group
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